At this point of the season I'm glad the Astros are over .500. The season reminds me of past relatsionships. We've had great times (10 game win streak, twice taking 2 of 3 from the Cubs) and some painful ones (are we the only team to get swept by the Pirates since the '79 "We Are Family" Bucs?).
I have been enjoying that over the last two days we've beat the Cards and their "all-incredible-world-best ever-let's change the manager of the year trophy for him-he loves abandonded cats-thinks wearing sunglasses in the daytime is cool" Tony LaRussa. Amazing that nearly all our runs have come from the long ball. I'm sure that once LaRussa has seen us being uncharastic and knocking balls over the wall, he mentally checked out and was thinking about the fajitas at Pappasitos. Hey's an 162 game seasion...maybe you shouldn't have mailed it in so early. Geeze!
I'll wait a few weeks until I start blogging on football, however, let me say Michigan starting three true freshmen on offensive is not good (even if two of the three were from the Houston area). A&M lost to Arkansas St???????? I can't even come up with some type of repectful comment.
Hey Tim,
I was thinking (always a dangerous thing). But last night Lou put in the lefty lineup. I am proposing the all "O" lineup.
Fuko(dome)--RF (Okay, I cheated a little on that one)
1st base coach--Sinatro
3rd base coach--Santo
Go Cubs Go!