September 17, 2008

What a joke!

The Astros playing a "home" series in Milwaukee? What a joke. Cubs fans having signs that said "Thank you Ike" and shirts that said, "hurricane series" were not just dis-respectful, but down right rude. According to people there, the Cubs fans that caravan ed to the game showed no acknowledgement for the players or team and want they went through. I mentioned in an earlier post how un-sportsman like Cub fans have been in our stadium, but being a good sport I am, have been tolerable. No more. I will never be nice to a Cub fan in our stadium, will never pull for the Cubs to win a playoff game and hope the "Billy Goat" lives forever. No wasn't just the pitching, it was days of no power, little sleep and a three hour commute for a "home game". Lets see the Cubs go through that and then play against Roy O. To say the Cubs looked good "at Houston" or that the pitching shut them down is a joke. I'm not saying the Cubs would not have won in Houston or that they wouldn't make the playoffs, but come on it what it is. The Astros asked for alternative sites that MLB said no to.

The NFL stood up to the Ravens when they asked for the game to be moved to New Orleans and played on Monday. It's too much with houses in disarray, no power, and questionable food to ask people to travel and focus on anything else.

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