I think the bet that was instigated between TEC and Let's Go Astros needs to get hammered out. I think when we left off it was a battle this season for the best offense between the Cubs and the Astros. Why not just go for overall record just to make it more simple. I think the t's need to get crossed and the i's need to be dotted on this one. Money means nothing we are talking sacrifice and public shame for the offseason. I will leave it to the parties involved to hammer out the details but maybe we can get some good suggestions. TEC loves Coors light, chocolate, goatees and Cubs clothing. Let's Go Astros has a penchant for fast food, beards, Bud Light and anything deep fried. Maybe we can get some suggestions for you.
On a side note, TEC just lost a bet to me and shall now be my bitch for the day. I plan on having him wash my truck and perform some yard work while I watch from a short distance. Further chores can be added depending on the execution of the above item. In cas you were wondering, Richard Marx is not the guy who sings the "Real Men of Genius" commercials. As most of us know it's the lead singer from Survivor. Chalk another one up for me.
I say lets bet a case of Old Style vs a Case of Bud Light. I am sure I will get the more costly of the two, but it's an overall fair bet.
Offense is the way to go because I believe that LGA knows the standings aren't really an option.
Come on, don't be such a puss, put something behind the bet. Beer offers no suffering or public humiliation. It's the Cubs dude, you can't lose, aim for the stars or at least a wedgie!
Leave you with some one month numbers. This could be the reason for the "non" Bet we have.
Cubs Astros
OBP .367 .302
SLG .443 .410
AVG .280 .243
OBA .312 .341
ERA 3.68 4.39
One month a season does not make but you can clearly see from the numbers thus far that the Cubs (the numbers that are better in every category) are in a nice lead.
Bring on the Bacon BABY!!!
Head...you said don't be a puss, but you're not involved in the bet. I'm sure T2E2C would agree there's nothing worse than someone not involved in the bet, pushing for the bet. Either join in or enjoy watching from the sidelines.
With that said, I propose the bet is Berkman vs. Derek Lee in each of the following categories...Avg, HR, RBI, OBP and SLG. Who ever wins in each category gets one point.
If I win, T2E2C has to come to my house and do a full clean, while doing shots between chores. What do you propose?
Of course, all chores will be done in Astros gear of my choice.
See, I like where you went with it. It's not even fun to root from the sidelines when nothing is at stake. I guess it's the closest thing to being a Pirates fan.
P.S. That's some weak sauce to put it down to one player, especially since an injury can totally tilt it one way or the other. But thats between the two of you. Just let us know what you guys decided on, or maybe for the sake of the Astros it will be completely forgotten.
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