For those of you that think he's so great, I have two names for you, Chris Sabo and Kirk Gibson. Remember the unbeatable A's teams of the late 80's? The Bash Brothers, Mr. Mean on the Mound and the unhittable Eck in the pin, managed by the "genius". How about getting swept by the Reds and Dodgers? He is a whiney b**ch. As I heard on the radio today, there's two types of people that wear sunglasses indoors, blind people and morons. I don't think he's blind. Even gets a DUI for falling asleep at a stop light and nothing happens to the guy. Yesterday he was complaining about how they were changing the rotating signs behind home plate. Whatever, go rescue something, you inside sunglass wearing, whining, attorney, overrated, sorry excuse for a baseball genius.
Albert Pujols, her fore referred to as A-Poo, is a perfect fit to play with LaRussa. Smug disrespectful ass that thinks he's better than anyone else. Hey A-Poo, why don't you meet Backe in a dark alley? Remember Nolan Ryan and Robin Ventura? That's what happens when you mess with someone from SE Texas. In other words, you'll get a beating that will make you run to Tony's shoulder crying about how he hit you. Probably crying about it bruised your ovaries and now you'll have to miss a game. Hey A-Poo real men don't have ovaries, but I'm sure you do. I'll meet you in an alley and go Kimbo Slice on your pansy a**. Here's to a fastball between the shoulder blades next time you set a foot in Minute Maid.
While I'm at it, I'm still pissed at MLB for the realignment in 97. Why are we the only division with six teams? Why does the NL have two more teams than the AL? BS to me. I don't have my normal stats as to why it's unfair, but it pisses me off, especially during the all-star game when we have to have members of every team represented, which means two more nobodies are on the NL over the AL. I guess I do have one stat and you just read it.
Thanks to Lance Zierlein of 1560 the Game's morning show, for helping me reach my inner pissed off point this morning. Don't know if it's because I traveled yesterday from San Francisco so I'm tired, or the b**tch turning onto Sienna Parkway this morning did an illegal turn, (hey dumb ass, the sign says left turn from left lane only...middle lane goes straight. I guess you don't have to follow the law if you drive an Infinity. There's a reason I have an F-150, to run over morons like you. See you at the intersection tomorrow), but the timing was perfect to make a rant. So Double Rods!
On another note, I also heard this morning about a web site run by Brewer Mike where people pledge to pee in their pants if the Brewers make the playoffs. Could be my sophomoric sense of humor but I like the idea. Might even sign up. http://www.peeyourpantsforthebrewers.com/
Now I'm off to terrioze the office. Might be one of those days where it's best to shut my office door and only come out for Diet Cokes and a leak.
You know what they always say, "You can't spell 'LaRussa' without 'LOSER'...except for the 'O' and 'E' part..."
Finally....my enemies enemy is my friend! I hate the Cards more than anything. I would not pee on La Loser if he were on fire to put him out.
I would live nothing better than the Cards to end up in last place.............with the worst record in the history of baseball.
A card fan buddy of Mine (who shall remain nameless but rhymes with Jocko) bet $50 last year on the Cards finishing ahead of the Cubs in the Standings and $50 on the season Series. I won Both and this Dilbe (being polite) said the bet was never made and doesn't remember the bet. Two words....LA LOSER.
I am adding interest. If he reads this.....the juice is 10 a week.
Unfortunately, Pujols loves the juice box. Fortunately, he loved the pissed- off throw the fastball down- the-middle pitch coming from " lights on" Lidge even more. We are united in our hatred for the Cards. It all started when they late hit Walter Payton into the sideline for me. Oh, wait wrong sport and team.
BTW, there is a very strong possibility that I will piss my pants even if the Brewers don't make the playoffs. And in case you were wondering, if peeing in your pants is cool, consider me Miles Davis.
Oh and LGA, I love the rage.
You can rag on the Cardinals all you want, but you all are very jealous and very wrong!!! We have Since 2000 we have made the playoffs 6 out of 8 times. How many has your team made? We have won 9 playoff series. How many has your team won? We have been in the NLCS 5 times in 8 years. We've been to the World Series twice. And we have won 1 World Series. Was our team amazing the year we won it? We underachieved the regular season due to a ton of injuries and our players finally got healthy at the end of the year. And yes we did get some great pitching performances. You can knock our 85 regular season wins but we had been the best team in MLB for the past 3 regular seasons, so really that year was out of the ordinary. Get over your envy and start complaining about your management and front office. Oh yeah and we have also had 2 100 win seasons. Honestly you are way wrong about Tony and his managers. We have consistently given up quality players and started over with others people's castaways and turned them into stars. I know you didn't mention Dave Duncan our pitching coach, but that dude is phenomenal.
Anytime you'd like to have Backe trash talk Pujols during an Astros-Cards series, feel free. I think the results (2 HR) were to my liking.
C-Nation. You're right about Dave Duncan, which is why I didn't mention him. I think he's a good coach and respect what he's done.
My point about LaRussa being overrated is look at expectations and at the final result. Their are usually two different things and no one ever blames LaRussa. Using your point, are you saying the Astros' were the best team in the NL in 05, even though they only had 89 wins? Must have been the injuries, lol. Wasn't that one of the Cards 100 win seasons, where you say was one of the three years the Cards were the best in the MLB? Yet they still were defeated by the Astros in the NLCS pretty easily. I guess the Astros powerhouse lineup that year including Adam Everett, Jason Lane, Brad Ausmus, Luke Scott and Morgan Ensberg was the reason. How about 97-2001? Four division titles in five years even thought the Cards were the favorite every time. 1997-2005, playoffs six times. Not too shabby. In 97-99 the Cards were favored but finished 11, 19 and 21 games out of first. These were the years "the genius" was running his mouth in spring training saying they were the team to beat. Dang, I didn't realize Larry Dierker was such a good manager. Remember one of those years our ace was Jose Lima.
To thenoiseboy...that's the downside of pissing off A-Poo.
This isn't the post where I have to defend Dusty Baker is it?
I Hate the Cards......Have they showed the Cubs and other up over the years......yes...........but i Still hate them.
It's amazing what a uniform will do for an opinion about a guy. In a Cards uniform....Poo Holes sucks. In a .........let's see.......Cubs outfit.....He would Be Mr. Pujols and would be loved like Dennis Rodman was.
BTW....I still would take Lee.
"BTW....I still would take Lee."
And that is why you're a Cubs fan, because rooting for a loser just comes naturally to you.
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