February 16, 2009

Rebirth of Slick

Can a 49 year old come back and pitch in the Majors? Oil Can Boyd thinks he can, even after an 18 year layoff. He was recently pitching in fantasy baseball camp and says his arm is well rested and healed. He noted that Satchel Page began his MLB career in his 40's and Satch doubles as his hero and inspiration.

Don't you think that baseball could use a "feel good" story right now? That would be great but I don't think this is going to be leaving me feeling all that good. Here is a news flash, according to my memory Satch was pitching in the Negro leagues before the MLB. Oil Cans arm may be fresh but I would put Satch in a different realm of greatness. I would even say that going into the MLB was probably at least an even match to the competition he was facing before getting his shot. Striking out schlubs like me in fantasy camp is not quite the same. He claims he is throwing in the low 90's and still has his off-speed pitches. I may be a little bit of a cynic but a little part of me would like to see him get a shot. With my luck he will be named as the Cubs' fifth starter next week and take over the Viagra void that Palmeiro left behind.
Don't Call It a Comback, He's Been Here for Years

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