September 28, 2008

As much as I wanted to have the shoe on the other foot....contragulations...CUBS!

I might have miss-spoke, or actually spoke out of emotion....I was angry based on the situation, which I thought was justified...however...

I greatly respect the Cubs fans I know on this blog like, Head in the Ivy, Hatfiry, I guess that's all...OK..Tinkers to Evers to Chance...I might respect your fandum...the rest of you I don't know. So anyway...I want to root against the Cubs based on the entire Milwaukee situation ( did you also know the Cubs were the only NL Central team to not play the Red Sox or Yankees this year? Hmm...could MLB really want the Cubs to win like the Red Sox before them?)

However..I know how my friends have labored for years. I know how they've gone through end of season collapse to the point where they always expect it. Even a couple of weeks ago some of my Cubs friends didn't belive they would win...they expected a collapse., I know how Head in the Ivy has been realisic about the Cubs...same with Tinkers to Evers to Todd...I think you owe me lots of labor if you took my bet at the beginning of the year. Hey BTW, it's the guy from Surviror that sings the " Real American Genius" adds. Todd should owe me something similiar.

I guess my last thought for the year is actually Go Cubbs...but I'm scared of the media blitz like what the Red Sox have experienced...know they are now the most hated team in MLB.

I will only root for the Cubs because I like you guys.

September 24, 2008

Helllllloooooo Newman

I know it's been a while and I as still powerless in more ways that one. I just want to get this out there before it's too late. I can't keep up with everything Cubs related on a daily basis and between Fantasy Football and baseball playoffs along with Ike cleanup my head is spinning.

That being said, the Bandwagon is full people. I don't have any more room for the casual fan to hope that the Cubs break that awful curse of the Bambino and win so you can get a new t-shirt that says "100 years of suffering over". Unless you have lived the doomed existence of being a Cubs fan, you need to STFU. I know that baseball is Americas pastime but I don't want to see all the media play of the frenzy and pretend to understand what is going on and the impending doom if there is a letdown again. With that being said a have a short list of fans that I want to see covering the playoffs, I know I am missing some so pile them on in the comments.

1. Jim Belushi
2. John Cusak
3. That fat comic that is on every Cubs special imaginable
4. Bryant Gumble
5. Ron Santo
6. Me

September 23, 2008


Fox game announcer (when Cubs clinched division) - "The regular season is like a scientist studying elephants, but the playoffs are like a scientist studying parasites. I say this because once the playoffs begin everything is under a microscope."

Coincidentally - Leitches:

September 21, 2008

I'm Not Crying...It's Just Raining...On My Face...

Dick justice says the Astros cannot blame Bud as it turns out it was Houston Owner, Drayton McLane who screwed the team's schedule:

Selig is an easy target for Astros fans, but the problem began with their own team owner, Drayton McLane.

As MLB peppered him with questions before the storm, McLane maintained until the last minute that some games still could be played at Minute Maid Park.

He appeared to be so obsessed with getting the revenues from three large crowds that he allowed his judgment to be clouded. Until Saturday morning, as Ike began to move out, McLane still held out hope of playing a game or two of the series in Houston.

By the time the matter was dumped in Selig's lap, his options were limited. Arlington was the first choice, Atlanta the second.

In the end, baseball settled on Milwaukee because there were scheduling conflicts or rain in the forecast at every other place.

"Was it perfect? No," Selig said. "I went through every option. I finally looked at it and realized I didn't have another option. I'm always sensitive about the Brewers (as an ex-owner of the franchise), but I feel in my heart this was the best option."

I'm guessing if Selig had it to do over, he would risk the rain in Atlanta rather than send the Astros into the Cubs' backyard.

The Astros lost again Monday afternoon, but before they flew to South Florida, Cooper called a team meeting.

"It's over and done with," he said. "We've got to move on."

Except the Astros couldn't move on. Or didn't. Whatever. They lost three more lopsided games in Florida. They didn't pitch, hit or field.

They had a great alibi for one game, maybe two. By the time they got to Florida, they should have been back in a normal routine.

A lot of Texans were inconvenienced by Ike. But the Astros had some advantages others didn't. Chartered jets. Great hotels. Selig even offered to send a plane for their families. If they were still focused on Selig or the unfairness of playing in Milwaukee, shame on them.

They continued to say the right things, but they weren't the same team. Sloppy. Lifeless. Deflated.

In the end, it couldn't have been all about Selig. Maybe after weeks of putting retreads and kids in critical situations, the clock finally struck midnight for this team...

Hey, This "Eddie Somebody" Might Just Make It In That Crazy Music Biz!

...although, admittedly, he's no "Cool Hand Leuk".

September 20, 2008

That's "Clinch" - Not "Choke"

When I was in St. Louis a couple weeks ago, I saw what I thought was a conflicted individual. He was sitting just one row in front of me, and he was wearing a Cardinals jersey with a Cubs hat. When he turned around - I finally saw that he had turned the Cubs logo into the word "Choke". So wherever that guy is right now ... the word is "Clinch".

So any bets on the NL wild card? I'd love to see Houston or St. Louis pull it off.

September 19, 2008

Really Gets My Goat

Boy, if one more person talks about the Curse...

September 17, 2008

Maybe it Wasn't the Schedule?

After watching the Astros for the last two days, maybe the Milwaukee trip wasn't the issue. They have not played well at all in Florida. They lost 14-2 including a Granny. Add to that the fact that the two runs were both Hunter's solo HR's, and it again was not a good night for the Stros.

After seeing this, I am not sure that we can only blame the two home-games-that-weren't. I will grant that a flight from Milwaukee to Florida probably was not fun, but they certainly have done it before, and they would have had to fly from Houston to Florida, so it's not an unexpected trip.

All this being said, it seems that the Chicago series was the beginning of the end any way you slice it. Whether the trip to Milwaukee, Ike and its distractions, or just bad timing for a hitting slump are to blame now seems irrelevant.

All this being said, I would personally LOVE to see the Stros come on strong and overtake the two teams in front of them. I am a big fan of the Central, and want to see the Wild Card come from our division. Moreover, the first round matchup would be with the Dodgers for my Cubbies if the Stros (or Brewers) can pull it out, and I like that matchup better than the Phillies. It's a win for all of us if the Stros can get in. I personally will be pulling for the Stros every game from now until the end of the season, and I will even go out and say that I would root for them here in Houston on the last game of the season if they can make it necessary. That's big since it would be against the Cubbies. It'll be wierd rooting against them, but in this one case I will gladly do it if it means the Stros can get into the playoffs.

Go Cubbies.. And (for now) Go 'Stros!!

Until next time... Be safe everyone!

What a Joke! A Cubs Fan Perspective

I agree with "Let's Go Astros"... And I don't. Allow me to explain:

I totally agree with the agitation at Cubs fans that had, "Thank you, Ike" signs and the like. It is indeed rude and totally insensitive not only to the Astros, but to the victims of the hurricane to reduce it to such meaningless drivel. I should know, as I am one of those victims. I live in Pearland, TX and have been without main power for almost a week. The sad thing for all of us is that I have fared much better than most, and this is my exact point. Many, MANY people have suffered because of the hurricane, and to thank Ike for ruining a baseball series shows a remarkable lack of any decorum on their part.


As in all things, those few Cubs fans don't speak for the VAST majority of Cubs fans that not only support the Astros and the people of Houston, but hurt with them when they hurt. They feel the same human compassion that most people share. I am betting that there were as many people holding signs like, "Our prayers are with you!" but those signs don't have the emotional impact. It's like any other "shock" medium. You always see the shootings on the news and never the guy holding the door open for the little old lady. It's just not as newsworthy, and I completely believe that this is what you saw from the game.

Talking about the game for a minute, Carlos was brilliant... Most baseball people know that he's certainly capable of throwing a no-no on any given night, so the fact that he threw one should not be any big surprise. To me, the bigger telling factor is not this game, but the next one. Ted Lily's one hitter to me showed how tired and unsettled the Astros were. For that, I am really apologetic.

The reality is that there was just no other alternative. Between Drayton's insistence that they wait for the hurricane to decide what it's going to do, MLB's not imposing a timeline and then a decision, the necessity that there be enough money in it to play the games, and the need for the logistical setup to be completed (ushers, concession workers, ticket sales, etc), Milwaukee was the only place that worked. Arlington was empty, but no one could guarantee that the hurricane wouldn't go right up I45 and rain those games out. All minor league parks were out due to gate receipts, logistics, or both. Ballparks like LA and Arizona wouldn't work because of the two days needed. You get the point. After considering averything, Milwaukee was the only choice.

For those that believe that they should have played at the end of the season, I put to you that trying to play three games in two days, then not having any time for either team (should they both make it) to prepare their rotations for the playoffs or having the ability to rest of any of their regulars just isn't fair to either team, either. Since the Cubs will have probably already clinched, it makes it doubly difficuly on the Astros should they win. Playing the games at the end of the season isn't a good option either.

All told, it sucked no matter how you slice it, and not for the game. It sucked for the reasons the game had to be moved, the reasons the games were not played somewhere else, but mostly for the people of Houston that didn't get to see their team play two (or three) home games this season.

Until next time... Let's all keep safe and pray for those that aren't able to even power on a computer or travel to a baseball game... Much less bitch about why it wasn't played in Houston.

What a joke!

The Astros playing a "home" series in Milwaukee? What a joke. Cubs fans having signs that said "Thank you Ike" and shirts that said, "hurricane series" were not just dis-respectful, but down right rude. According to people there, the Cubs fans that caravan ed to the game showed no acknowledgement for the players or team and want they went through. I mentioned in an earlier post how un-sportsman like Cub fans have been in our stadium, but being a good sport I am, have been tolerable. No more. I will never be nice to a Cub fan in our stadium, will never pull for the Cubs to win a playoff game and hope the "Billy Goat" lives forever. No wasn't just the pitching, it was days of no power, little sleep and a three hour commute for a "home game". Lets see the Cubs go through that and then play against Roy O. To say the Cubs looked good "at Houston" or that the pitching shut them down is a joke. I'm not saying the Cubs would not have won in Houston or that they wouldn't make the playoffs, but come on it what it is. The Astros asked for alternative sites that MLB said no to.

The NFL stood up to the Ravens when they asked for the game to be moved to New Orleans and played on Monday. It's too much with houses in disarray, no power, and questionable food to ask people to travel and focus on anything else.

September 16, 2008

I Don't Want to Say I Told You So, But...

I said during the losing streak that I was happy that the Cubbies were in a funk and I was.... Shall we say... Scoffed at. But look at them now. Again, it's still too early to be too giddy, but they looked REALLY good "at" Houston. As I write this, they are winning 4-3 against Milwaukee in the bottom of the 8th inning. Should this continue, the magic number will be 4, I believe. Not too shabby for the swoon. ;-)

I really feel badly for Houston. I would have loved to had them play here. I don't think it was all that fair of them to play just 90 miles from Chicago. I think that if they wanted to play at a neutral site, they should have picked Florida. After all, neither of the Florida teams seem to be using them much, even during their home games!! ;-) Seriously, I think that they should have tried to play on the West Coast, but even then since the Cubs have such a large fan base compared to Houston, even that may have felt like a home game for the Cubs. Maybe Arlington would have been a good choice, but I don't know the schedule and I am sure they were worried about Ike there as well.

Speaking of Ike... Going through a hurricane ia NOT the part that sucks! Going through the RECOVERY is. I spent two hours and ten minutes today in line for gas! There is no perishable food, so no meat, eggs, cheese, etc. Most of these things should be back in a week or so, but still it's no fun. I have been without power since Friday evening at 9:00. I don't have a generator, and the only way I am able to use the computer is through a power inverter attached to my car battery. I had less than 1/2 tank of gas when I refueled today and went a total of 71 miles since I had to leave the car running most of the time to keep the battery charged. It's still better than most people who had nothing for power, and many thought the hurricane would miss us and didn't gas up, buy food, make ice beforehand, etc and now are struggling for anything they can find. Many on Galveston lost their homes, so compared to most, we got off very well. Still, I will be VERY glad when the power comes back.

Getting back to the NL Central... Does anyone else think that we should get rid of the "NO NL Wildcard" sign on our blog page? ;-)

Until next time... stay safe, everyone, and pray for a speedy recovery to all of us affected in any way by Ike.

September 15, 2008

In Lou we trust

"Houston came in here really, really hot, playing really good baseball. Our pitching basically just shut them down." - Sweet Lou

Zambrano & Lilly ... take a bow. Six for the clinch, ten for a hundred wins, and fourteen to play. Go Cubs Go!!!!

Six Sense

The evil Bud Selig went and caused the "hottest team in baseball since the All-Star break" to only get 1 hit in 18 innings...bummer.

September 10, 2008

September 5, 2008

Losing Streak @ 6 and I Couldn't Be Happier!

I know... Being a Cubs fan and saying this seems like sacrilege. However, stick with me, North-siders. Last year, the Cubs had a similar stretch, but they waited a month later to do it and started in Arizona. My thinking is that they're finally going through the rough patch they've been avoiding all year. Once they're through this, hopefully they'll get back to playing well.

Either way, they're going to have to earn their way into the playoffs since every single game after this Cincy series is with teams over .500 and a majority of the games are on the road. This includes the final six of the year at Milwaukee and New York. Should be a fun month.

I wanted to apologize for not posting in quite a while. I don't have any good excuses, but some crappy ones are the usual... Work, family, and being off the continent for the last month... Ya' know... Same 'ole, same ole.

The good thing is that when I left, the Cubs had a five game lead, when I returned they had a five game lead, and even tonight as I write this it's four. I can live with that.

Until next time, my friends....

September 4, 2008

Dempster The Maven

"We've just got to come to the field and have a good day off [Thursday]," (Ryan Dempster) said, "maybe go get some Einstein's Bagels in the morning, go for a nice run, then have a nice plane flight, go have a nice dinner and go to Cincinnati refreshed and put this behind us and just play well."

Astros sweep!

Astros sweep Cubs in Chicago!!! Is this the late season swoon Cub fans have experience over the years and have been dreading? The Cubs will still make the playoffs, but playing like they are now, it could be three and out. What about the Stros? Why do they wait so late to play well? Looking at the schedule, they could actually make the wild card. Hard to believe, but possible. only 6 1/2 games back.

Cubs fan...what's going on with the North Siders?