October 9, 2008
It's been a great year......
That is something all the Cards fans and those who root against the Cubs simply don't understand and never will. If I have to explain it and put it in drawings (mostly for Cards fans), you still wouldn't get it and understand.
This is why the Cubs have the support they always have....win or lose......mostly lose. But how does that differ us from the Reds fans or Red Sox fans? Red Sox fans may understand more, but still haven't the history a Cub fan has had.....either seen or told.
How many fans go to a game.....a game that means nothing...and still go just to see your team? Especially one that lost any hopes for the playoffs? I do.....even to an Astros game........and they tried to win the wildcard.
Don't lose faith. The Cubs are good....real good. Did they win a series....Nope! How are they good? Because they finally care about winning.......even if the fans have always cared but still loved their team. They spent the money (less than some with more talent on paper), the fixed and upgraded their stadium at NO cost to the city (sure....tix aren't cheap), and gave us a great 6 months of baseball.
Do I care that they lost......YES! How can I support this team with the 100 years of failure? I don't call it failure...I call it tradition and that's something other fans just don't get. Failure isn't always bad......Just like winning the lottery isn't always good.
In the last week I have been consoled (still on suicide watch), laughed at and told I was cursed as well. I laughed and agreed and would have it no other way. Teased when they lost 3 in a row....again.
Contrary to belief of others on this blog....Cubs fans are the best fans. Do they get worked up....Heck Yeah......it's not that often we get a good team....much less a great team. I'm not putting other fans down, they just don't understand.
October 5, 2008
I am disappointed (again)
Enough said. This is life as a Cubs fan. Swept in the post-season again. Say it with me ... "There's always next year."
October 3, 2008
Will Gerard, age 11
Anyhoo...here is Will's note:
go cubs!
The thing that was most disappointing about last were the fans support. All this one guy was saying after dero's error was "this is the f******* playoffs. make the plays, defense!" OVER AND OVER AGAIN! we were down 1-0. the lee had a shot at him and everyone thought the inning was over. E-3. again "this is the f******* playoffs. make the plays, defense!" poor Z IS GOING THOUGHT THIS. he's getting mad. 3 run double. 5-0 and everyone was down teary eyed and I'm thinking WE'RE STILL IN THIS! SOMEONE STRIKES OUT
''BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO*******OOOOOOOOOOOOO**OOO****************** ! More and more people are restless till it's dead silent. I was feeling sad for the players.E-5. 3 errors. STILL 5-0 and people are getting more flustered. " Put in the batboy!" Manny crushes one and it goes ping you can hear it bounce off the camera place. The ump rolls it past Z and Z gets it then he almost does it again and Zambrano makes a kick save to stop it. More wisecracks and Z pitches with that ball. Speaking of throwing it away Soto rolls one to Z and throws one past him with a man on first. No consequence but still boos, same for a derosa's catch. Plus the only ones there in the eight are super drunk. In the 9th people are rooting for the dodgers. A PAPER AIR LANE WHIZZES BY LEE! Someone says " who says we can't get 9." "I do", says someone so far away we can't see them. The noise level is on pin drop. Then finally E-6.PLUS PEOPLE FLIP OFF THE UMP. AND ARGUE WITH MEANINGLESS CALLS.
But was a learning experience and I would have had fun if the final score was 26-2 dodgers. Sadly the place was booming in the first.
September 28, 2008
As much as I wanted to have the shoe on the other foot....contragulations...CUBS!
I greatly respect the Cubs fans I know on this blog like, Head in the Ivy, Hatfiry, I guess that's all...OK..Tinkers to Evers to Chance...I might respect your fandum...the rest of you I don't know. So anyway...I want to root against the Cubs based on the entire Milwaukee situation ( did you also know the Cubs were the only NL Central team to not play the Red Sox or Yankees this year? Hmm...could MLB really want the Cubs to win like the Red Sox before them?)
However..I know how my friends have labored for years. I know how they've gone through end of season collapse to the point where they always expect it. Even a couple of weeks ago some of my Cubs friends didn't belive they would win...they expected a collapse., I know how Head in the Ivy has been realisic about the Cubs...same with Hatfiri...now Tinkers to Evers to Chance...um.. Todd...I think you owe me lots of labor if you took my bet at the beginning of the year. Hey BTW, it's the guy from Surviror that sings the " Real American Genius" adds. Todd should owe me something similiar.
I guess my last thought for the year is actually Go Cubbs...but I'm scared of the media blitz like what the Red Sox have experienced...know they are now the most hated team in MLB.
I will only root for the Cubs because I like you guys.
September 24, 2008
Helllllloooooo Newman
That being said, the Bandwagon is full people. I don't have any more room for the casual fan to hope that the Cubs break that awful curse of the Bambino and win so you can get a new t-shirt that says "100 years of suffering over". Unless you have lived the doomed existence of being a Cubs fan, you need to STFU. I know that baseball is Americas pastime but I don't want to see all the media play of the frenzy and pretend to understand what is going on and the impending doom if there is a letdown again. With that being said a have a short list of fans that I want to see covering the playoffs, I know I am missing some so pile them on in the comments.
1. Jim Belushi
2. John Cusak
3. That fat comic that is on every Cubs special imaginable
4. Bryant Gumble
5. Ron Santo
6. Me
September 23, 2008
September 21, 2008
I'm Not Crying...It's Just Raining...On My Face...
Selig is an easy target for Astros fans, but the problem began with their own team owner, Drayton McLane.
As MLB peppered him with questions before the storm, McLane maintained until the last minute that some games still could be played at Minute Maid Park.
He appeared to be so obsessed with getting the revenues from three large crowds that he allowed his judgment to be clouded. Until Saturday morning, as Ike began to move out, McLane still held out hope of playing a game or two of the series in Houston.
By the time the matter was dumped in Selig's lap, his options were limited. Arlington was the first choice, Atlanta the second.
In the end, baseball settled on Milwaukee because there were scheduling conflicts or rain in the forecast at every other place.
"Was it perfect? No," Selig said. "I went through every option. I finally looked at it and realized I didn't have another option. I'm always sensitive about the Brewers (as an ex-owner of the franchise), but I feel in my heart this was the best option."
I'm guessing if Selig had it to do over, he would risk the rain in Atlanta rather than send the Astros into the Cubs' backyard.
The Astros lost again Monday afternoon, but before they flew to South Florida, Cooper called a team meeting.
"It's over and done with," he said. "We've got to move on."
Except the Astros couldn't move on. Or didn't. Whatever. They lost three more lopsided games in Florida. They didn't pitch, hit or field.
They had a great alibi for one game, maybe two. By the time they got to Florida, they should have been back in a normal routine.
A lot of Texans were inconvenienced by Ike. But the Astros had some advantages others didn't. Chartered jets. Great hotels. Selig even offered to send a plane for their families. If they were still focused on Selig or the unfairness of playing in Milwaukee, shame on them.
They continued to say the right things, but they weren't the same team. Sloppy. Lifeless. Deflated.
In the end, it couldn't have been all about Selig. Maybe after weeks of putting retreads and kids in critical situations, the clock finally struck midnight for this team...
Hey, This "Eddie Somebody" Might Just Make It In That Crazy Music Biz!
...although, admittedly, he's no "Cool Hand Leuk".
September 20, 2008
That's "Clinch" - Not "Choke"
So any bets on the NL wild card? I'd love to see Houston or St. Louis pull it off.
September 19, 2008
September 17, 2008
Maybe it Wasn't the Schedule?
After seeing this, I am not sure that we can only blame the two home-games-that-weren't. I will grant that a flight from Milwaukee to Florida probably was not fun, but they certainly have done it before, and they would have had to fly from Houston to Florida, so it's not an unexpected trip.
All this being said, it seems that the Chicago series was the beginning of the end any way you slice it. Whether the trip to Milwaukee, Ike and its distractions, or just bad timing for a hitting slump are to blame now seems irrelevant.
All this being said, I would personally LOVE to see the Stros come on strong and overtake the two teams in front of them. I am a big fan of the Central, and want to see the Wild Card come from our division. Moreover, the first round matchup would be with the Dodgers for my Cubbies if the Stros (or Brewers) can pull it out, and I like that matchup better than the Phillies. It's a win for all of us if the Stros can get in. I personally will be pulling for the Stros every game from now until the end of the season, and I will even go out and say that I would root for them here in Houston on the last game of the season if they can make it necessary. That's big since it would be against the Cubbies. It'll be wierd rooting against them, but in this one case I will gladly do it if it means the Stros can get into the playoffs.
Go Cubbies.. And (for now) Go 'Stros!!
Until next time... Be safe everyone!
What a Joke! A Cubs Fan Perspective
I totally agree with the agitation at Cubs fans that had, "Thank you, Ike" signs and the like. It is indeed rude and totally insensitive not only to the Astros, but to the victims of the hurricane to reduce it to such meaningless drivel. I should know, as I am one of those victims. I live in Pearland, TX and have been without main power for almost a week. The sad thing for all of us is that I have fared much better than most, and this is my exact point. Many, MANY people have suffered because of the hurricane, and to thank Ike for ruining a baseball series shows a remarkable lack of any decorum on their part.
As in all things, those few Cubs fans don't speak for the VAST majority of Cubs fans that not only support the Astros and the people of Houston, but hurt with them when they hurt. They feel the same human compassion that most people share. I am betting that there were as many people holding signs like, "Our prayers are with you!" but those signs don't have the emotional impact. It's like any other "shock" medium. You always see the shootings on the news and never the guy holding the door open for the little old lady. It's just not as newsworthy, and I completely believe that this is what you saw from the game.
Talking about the game for a minute, Carlos was brilliant... Most baseball people know that he's certainly capable of throwing a no-no on any given night, so the fact that he threw one should not be any big surprise. To me, the bigger telling factor is not this game, but the next one. Ted Lily's one hitter to me showed how tired and unsettled the Astros were. For that, I am really apologetic.
The reality is that there was just no other alternative. Between Drayton's insistence that they wait for the hurricane to decide what it's going to do, MLB's not imposing a timeline and then a decision, the necessity that there be enough money in it to play the games, and the need for the logistical setup to be completed (ushers, concession workers, ticket sales, etc), Milwaukee was the only place that worked. Arlington was empty, but no one could guarantee that the hurricane wouldn't go right up I45 and rain those games out. All minor league parks were out due to gate receipts, logistics, or both. Ballparks like LA and Arizona wouldn't work because of the two days needed. You get the point. After considering averything, Milwaukee was the only choice.
For those that believe that they should have played at the end of the season, I put to you that trying to play three games in two days, then not having any time for either team (should they both make it) to prepare their rotations for the playoffs or having the ability to rest of any of their regulars just isn't fair to either team, either. Since the Cubs will have probably already clinched, it makes it doubly difficuly on the Astros should they win. Playing the games at the end of the season isn't a good option either.
All told, it sucked no matter how you slice it, and not for the game. It sucked for the reasons the game had to be moved, the reasons the games were not played somewhere else, but mostly for the people of Houston that didn't get to see their team play two (or three) home games this season.
Until next time... Let's all keep safe and pray for those that aren't able to even power on a computer or travel to a baseball game... Much less bitch about why it wasn't played in Houston.
What a joke!
The NFL stood up to the Ravens when they asked for the game to be moved to New Orleans and played on Monday. It's too much with houses in disarray, no power, and questionable food to ask people to travel and focus on anything else.
September 16, 2008
I Don't Want to Say I Told You So, But...
I really feel badly for Houston. I would have loved to had them play here. I don't think it was all that fair of them to play just 90 miles from Chicago. I think that if they wanted to play at a neutral site, they should have picked Florida. After all, neither of the Florida teams seem to be using them much, even during their home games!! ;-) Seriously, I think that they should have tried to play on the West Coast, but even then since the Cubs have such a large fan base compared to Houston, even that may have felt like a home game for the Cubs. Maybe Arlington would have been a good choice, but I don't know the schedule and I am sure they were worried about Ike there as well.
Speaking of Ike... Going through a hurricane ia NOT the part that sucks! Going through the RECOVERY is. I spent two hours and ten minutes today in line for gas! There is no perishable food, so no meat, eggs, cheese, etc. Most of these things should be back in a week or so, but still it's no fun. I have been without power since Friday evening at 9:00. I don't have a generator, and the only way I am able to use the computer is through a power inverter attached to my car battery. I had less than 1/2 tank of gas when I refueled today and went a total of 71 miles since I had to leave the car running most of the time to keep the battery charged. It's still better than most people who had nothing for power, and many thought the hurricane would miss us and didn't gas up, buy food, make ice beforehand, etc and now are struggling for anything they can find. Many on Galveston lost their homes, so compared to most, we got off very well. Still, I will be VERY glad when the power comes back.
Getting back to the NL Central... Does anyone else think that we should get rid of the "NO NL Wildcard" sign on our blog page? ;-)
Until next time... stay safe, everyone, and pray for a speedy recovery to all of us affected in any way by Ike.
September 15, 2008
In Lou we trust
Zambrano & Lilly ... take a bow. Six for the clinch, ten for a hundred wins, and fourteen to play. Go Cubs Go!!!!
Six Sense
September 12, 2008
September 10, 2008
September 5, 2008
Losing Streak @ 6 and I Couldn't Be Happier!
Either way, they're going to have to earn their way into the playoffs since every single game after this Cincy series is with teams over .500 and a majority of the games are on the road. This includes the final six of the year at Milwaukee and New York. Should be a fun month.
I wanted to apologize for not posting in quite a while. I don't have any good excuses, but some crappy ones are the usual... Work, family, and being off the continent for the last month... Ya' know... Same 'ole, same ole.
The good thing is that when I left, the Cubs had a five game lead, when I returned they had a five game lead, and even tonight as I write this it's four. I can live with that.
Until next time, my friends....
September 4, 2008
Dempster The Maven
Astros sweep!
Cubs fan...what's going on with the North Siders?
August 31, 2008
Won the tournament
I'm glad we are over .500
I have been enjoying that over the last two days we've beat the Cards and their "all-incredible-world-best ever-let's change the manager of the year trophy for him-he loves abandonded cats-thinks wearing sunglasses in the daytime is cool" Tony LaRussa. Amazing that nearly all our runs have come from the long ball. I'm sure that once LaRussa has seen us being uncharastic and knocking balls over the wall, he mentally checked out and was thinking about the fajitas at Pappasitos. Hey Tony...it's an 162 game seasion...maybe you shouldn't have mailed it in so early. Geeze!
I'll wait a few weeks until I start blogging on football, however, let me say Michigan starting three true freshmen on offensive is not good (even if two of the three were from the Houston area). A&M lost to Arkansas St???????? I can't even come up with some type of repectful comment.
August 28, 2008
August 26, 2008
Maybe they are saying "Chieeeeeeeeef..."

All the third baseman did during his time in Pittsburgh was put together one of his most successful seasons -- one in which he hit .300 and slugged 34 home runs and 112 RBIs as a 23-year-old.
He never complained or asked to be traded.
"They boo their own players, so I'm not surprised they boo me," said Ramirez, who was traded from the Pirates to the Cubs in 2003. "They booed me while I was playing here. That's the way they are.
"They just traded me, so they should boo whoever traded me."
August 21, 2008
Special Olympic Edition!
August 18, 2008
August 16, 2008
August 14, 2008
Cubs 18, Scalpers 2
...and do you know what happened in 1908?

You guessed it - the Feyenoord Rotterdam football club was founded.
August 12, 2008
August 8, 2008
What Were The Padres Thinking?

Boy, where’d that

Edmonds' stellar afternoon came on the Cardinals' first visit to Wrigley Field this season.
During Edmonds' return trip to St. Louis last month, Cardinals manager Tony La Russa was miffed about Edmonds' comments that he was happy to be with the Cubs and tired of talking about his past. Edmonds responded by saying La Russa ducked him before the first game of that series.
Edmonds appeared to enjoy his first homer Friday, pausing at the plate momentarily to watch it take off before rounding the bases. Before the drive, Edmonds was 0-for-7 this season against his former team.
His second homer, his 15th of the season, was an opposite-field shot to left-center. He ran quickly around the bases after tying the game but did come out of the dugout for a curtain call.
August 1, 2008
Junior Mince
Knee Kurkjian Response
July 30, 2008
July 29, 2008
Cubs Bring Out The Wurst In Milwaukee
Where to begin?
Note to CC - you might have done better had you put it on a tee for Soriano.
Gaudin & Marmol had as many Ks each as did the MLB-strikeout leader, Sabathia...and not only did CC take 124 pitches to get a pair of strikeouts (the most pitches he's thrown in a game in four years, by the way) half of his pair of punch-outs was against Ted Lilly!
Note to Yost - Ummm...first game of a four-game series and your ace closer throws a 37-pitch inning...nice.
Lenny Dykstra may have been "Nails", but Reed Johnson is freakin' "Railroad Spikes".
Tonight, the Big Z...who can, and will, beat you with his stick!
July 25, 2008
July 16, 2008
Halftime Thoughts and Musings
Much like my man, "Let's Go Astros!" I have been traveling extensively as well. But I am home for a while and taking a minute to catch up.
Are any other Cubs fans like me all nervous that the Cubs have been so good all year? If you're a (Bleck!) Yankees or Red Sox fan, you may be familiar with being in first all year, but for we Cubs fans, this is all unsettling. I keep waiting for a '07 Rockies team to come out of nowhere and foul the whole thing up. But the more I see the other leagues (The NL West... Are you kidding me?!) the more confident I feel... Which just scares me more. Ah, well... Such is life when you're a Cubs fan I guess.
Our slogan of, "Six Degrees of Mediocity" seems to be a bit of an understatement. If the last place team in the division were sitting in the West, they'd be only a couple of games out at the break. San Francisco at 15 games under .500 is only seven games out of first, and Arizona is under .500 at the break. I think even I could manage a team in that division!
Back to the NL Central... The top two teams in the wildcard race, and arguably the most dangerous teams in the playoffs would be the Cards and the Brewers. I don't know what smoke and mirrors the Cars are using to keep afloat, but the Brewers with that lineup and as good a front two starters are there are outside of Chicago (tongue in cheek only slightly) makes them very dangerous if they make the playoffs.
A final note about the All Star game: I went to bed in the 11th, but the game was REALLY good. Far better than most I remember. It would be really interesting if the Rays and Cubs end up reaching the Fall Classic since both are outstanding on their own turf but below .500 on other ground. It would be so like the NL if that series came down to a deciding Game 7 in Florida.
That's the good thing about baseball, though... It, like a box of chocolates, is something where you never know what you'll get.
God bless us all.
July 15, 2008
All-Star thoughts
I don't know about you but I root more for the local guys in the All-Star game than any other time. I want my guys to do well on the national stage...get some publicity. Let the country know what I believe, how good the local nine are every year, (yes drinking the Kool-Aid). I remember being pissed when Joe Niekro didn't get to play in the All-Star game, then the next year Jose Cruz didn't play either.
For the most part, I think the fans, at least in the NL, got it right. Except for Fukudome, one of the top two at each position was voted in. Fukudome, while not putting up spectacular All-Star number, wasn't a surprise with the on-line Japanese vote and the Cubs fans storied support. I think we're seeing a "changing of the guard" where the young guys like Hanley Rameriz, Chase Utley, Ryan Braun and Matt Holliday getting their chance. There's nothing worse then when fans pick some guy batting .250 becauase he's been there for 10 years.
I'm off to Dallas this afternoon, and yes I get in to town with plenty of time to find a good spot to watch the game.
July 14, 2008
July 9, 2008
Now, Let Me Get This Straight...
July 8, 2008
C.C. Rider
Oh, you say he has all those losses because of a lack of "run support"?
So, John Kruk tells me the front office "sent a message" to the players on the team they are going to go get the starting pitcher the team needs to rack up the wins.
...and when said pitcher arrives the team - message received - responds by scoring three runs (late, no less)?

C.C.'s ERA is 3.84.
So, had he been on the mound he would have been handed his ninth loss by .84 runs?
That is just sad.
July 5, 2008
Astros commentary
Double Life?
July 4, 2008
One other thing...
I'm baaaacccckkkk and more frustrated than ever
I apologize for my absence from the blog for the past couple of months. I've been doing some serious traveling. Not the type of traveling I normally do, where I am spending three months or more, Monday - Friday at a client site, then coming home on weekends. No, I've had the joy of doing multiple one and two day trips going everywhere from Chicago to SF to LA to Dallas (multiple times) to Tucson. As much as I travel, it's refreshing to know I'll be traveling to Dallas as the flight is between 37-45 minutes; however, my last two flights back from DAL have been weather delayed. One of those we took off from Love field heading north, went around Wichita Falls, past San Angelo, took a slight left at San Antonio, then a sharp left around Galveston. that 37-45 minute flight too nearly 2 1/2 hours. Even my 2 hour flight from Tucson took over 6 hours due to weather including a delay to the tarmac at DFW (why does Dallas continue to haunt me? Is it because I hate the Cowboys?) I'm scared as it looks like I'll be managing a project in Dallas, possibly until September of 2009, but I digress.
While I'm in town I've been catching as many Astros games as I can. My first two were against the Cubs, the first game was a 7-2 Astros loss and the second was a 4-2 Astros win, thank you Hunter Pence for the grand slam. This was the first time I noticed how many jerks dressed in Cubs jerseys were in the stands. Let me be very careful on what I'm saying here. I'm NOT saying all Cubs fans are jerks, as many friends of mine, including ones on this blog, are straight up good fans. That to me means rooting for your team with all energy until the end of time. Represent when you go to games, and cheer your team. I have never heckled (at least not seriously) someone at an Astros game who is just cheering for their team. The fans I experienced wearing Cubs gear were talking more smack than any fans I've seen, reminding me of local Dallas Cowboy fans as they were similar. For example...one young man in front of me was quick to give double rods to Berkman anytime he came to the plate, and if Berkman got out, he would turn and give the fans double rods, and point to people wearing Berkman jerseys. Fortunately for him, there was a mother with kids close to him that reported him to security and had him removed. I'd preferred to have us deal with our own security, if you know what I mean. Yeah, wishful thinking. While I've been in sections (including today, more later) that are screaming for the 'Stros until the last out, as a group we are pretty passive. Yet this guy during the first game, with the Cubs other similar fans just got my goat, (oops, I shouldn't mention anything about a goat...lol). The second game the Astros fans did represent as when the "Lets go Cubbies!" cheers would start, the would be quickly taken over by "Let's go Astros!". I even saw a group of Astros fans walking through the concourse after the game yelling, "Cubs suck! Cubs suck!". I thought that would lead to a throw down and even pushed my wife behind me while I...um those other guys were yelling that to Cubs fans. :)
I also went to two game of the Yankees series and what a let down. The Saturday game was at least somewhat competitive 8-4, but I was at the 13-0 Father's Day massacre. I've never seen less energy from a team ever. From rec league softball to Chachi to MLB, this was one of the worst representations I've ever seen. Roy Oswalt, who has been non-Roy like this year, gave up seven runs....but only three were earned. Here was the tipping point. I believe it was the sixth inning, the bases were loaded and two outs. Jeter batting...full count...ground ball just to the right of 1st base. As Coop decided to rest three of his infield starters for the game Erstad was playing first and let the ball go through. Maybe I've gotten ruined by Berkman's (furthermore referred to as Big Puma) effort, but it seemed like Erstad didn't make an attempt. He watched the ball go into right field and was even late positioning himself for the relay. The only thing I can assume was he was day dreaming about his great days being a punter for University of Nebraska. Next batter was Abreau, who I belived reached, so the Stros' made a pitching change. Wesley Wright, who I really like as a young guy with a good arm. Um...didn't work out well for him. First batter he faced was some A-Rod guy. He hit it off the glass. Next batter was "Porn Stache" Giambi, who got on base, then Jorge, don't call me George, Posada took one out. Sigh...not the best father's day result.
Today I took my three boys to the game. Rough start...as we moved from eating the good food in the club level, to our seats in behind 3rd base, we went from two outs and no one on, to down 3-0. Talk about your head spinning! Big Puma didn't do well tonight at the plate, which is consistent with Astros games I attend. It's similar to Bagwell. Every game I went to, they sucked. Didn't always effect the team as I was 12-0 in Minute Maid Park in attendance for the first three years, but the stars never did anything. Anyway, our section kept pulling for the Stros' loudly until the end. I appreciate the Astros making things interesting, but the frustration is getting a bit much. First of all, why does Coop keep changing pitchers while down by at least three? Why cant the Astros learn to work a count? You should have seen how many early count outs we had today. It seemed like a competition to see who could hit of the handle the most times. Is Dewey Robinson, the pitching coach, soon to go? I would hate it on a personal level as he autographed two baseballs for my boys today, but it seems that whenever a pitcher is having a problem, they either call AAA pitching coach Burt Hooten, who used to be the Astros pitching coach, or Tampa Bay coach Jim Hickey...hmm...another pitching coach who used to be with the Astros. I haven't heard anyone say they've worked with Dewey. That would be too bad as he's a nice guy. At this level, how much does a batting coach help? If it's important, than Sean Berry should be gone. Today was a perfect example, as through eight innings, the Dodgers pitcher was still around 80 pitches, because we don't know how to work a count. Don't even get me started about our "leadoff hitter" that rarely get's on base. The best part of today's game was getting interviewed by Anna-Megan Raley from Chron.com (the Houston Chronicle's web site) after the game. Anna-Megan is a real up and comer in the local media and picked me out to interview as she saw my authentic, bad a** Berkman jersey. I'll post the link as soon as it's on the Chron.com site.
I'm frustrated with our team as we took two out of three from the Rangers, Rays and Red Sox, but then drop three of four to the Dodgers. Just like our road trip that we won like eight in a row, then tanked against the Pirates. I know the Cub's fans have to be as frustrated as they sweep the White Sox at Wrigley, then get swept at Comisky...um New Comisky...um US Cellular Field...um if you're in the upper deck, beware of bullets from the projects next door and are 3-7 in their last 10. Hard to believe the best team in baseball right now are the Rays. Actually it's not hard to believe if you realize the connection to the Astros. Gerry Hunsicker, is their Sr. VP of Baseball Operations. He was the Astros GM during ALL their recent playoff runs. Allegedly our owner, Drayton McLane didn't like that Gerry would stand up to him. Sense then, there have been many many many bone headed moves, (See Jason Jennings, Miguel Tejada, etc). Does anyone realize we gave away FIVE pitchers in the two moves I mention above? I really really like Tejada, but long term, I believer I'd rather have Patton and Alberts. They also have our former pitching coach that I mentioned above, Jim Hickey, players that used to with the Astros, (Trever Miller (3.74 ERA), Dan Wheeler (1.82 ERA) and numerous players from the Houston area such as Scott Kazmir (Cy-Falls) and Carl Crawford (Davis High School). There are lots of fingers to blame, but why is our minor league system so empty of top notch talent?
BTW - I will still continue in my belief that I would take Lance Berkman, (aka...The Big Puma), over Derek Lee (aka...The Big Wu**Y)
I still belive we have the best PA announcer in baseball. Long live Bob Ford!
July 3, 2008
Going into the Break

It's been awhile mostly due to my own superstitions but it looks like it doesn't matter at this point. We are coming to the All-Star break and all seems to be well. I will admit that I don't know what to do at this point, I am normally just happy to be .500. All the constant winning left me in uncharted emotional territory. I was almost suffering from Braves/Astros Syndrome (where the team always does so good that you ALMOST lose interest). Nice to see that reality is back and I can feel more like myself. It's nice to not be chasing the Cards at this point, and much like last year, I am usually looking to see what the Brewers are doing instead. It used to be that my daily mood would be determined by the Cubs winning or losing. This was a special treat especially with all the day games and the having to go to work thing. I haven't been suffering with this as much this year and that let's me focus on other things to get upset about. Yea, for me. I remember when the All-Star break would fall around the 4th of July to match my little league and APBA All-Star Games, guess it doesn't jive anymore. Maybe the NL can win for the a change to give the ahem...Cubs a boost in the postseason?
June 27, 2008
Let's Get Joe Morgan's Thoughts...
I was hoping you could give us your thoughts on how taking on the herculean task of managing a Class-A ball club - that is, riding around all Summer on a crummy bus with the only real reward being the satisfaction of having the opportunity to impart some baseball wisdom upon a bunch or kids with little more than some raw talent and a dream - will add to the legacy belonging to the Hall of Famer - and greatest second basement of his generation - Ryne Sandberg.
P.S. Keep up the fine work.

...you should bookmark the Cubby-Blue blog.
June 23, 2008
What happened to LGA?!?
June 20, 2008
June 17, 2008
June 11, 2008
Head in the Ivy had to say something

June 10, 2008
Rebirth of the Tool
Despite a rash of injuries—he’s played more than 140 games just twice this decade—numerous recent campaigns of Austin Kearnsian production, and defensible press musings about whether he’s just been hanging around long enough to limp past the hallowed 600-dinger mark, the Kid is legit. The only time his name has been mentioned in the steroids snafu was when Barry Bonds allegedly (yeah, right) told Griffey of his plans to start doping up in the late-1990s.
Junior has always been juice free, making him possibly the last bona fide member of the 600-homer club we’ll ever see other than ARod (steroid accusations pending) and maybe Manny (who, in the interest of “being Manny,” will probably hit 599 and then vanish like DB Cooper).
The Kid’s cleanliness also means that we’re in for some heavy-duty lionizing of him by the media. They’ll fall all over themselves lauding him for being everything Bonds, Sosa, and Big Mac were not, conveniently forgetting that despite his jaunty nicknames, Griffey has always been lukewarm to the fans, indifferent to his teammates, and surly with the press. As always in sports, big, round numbers, honestly attained, tend to make the jackassery fade.
June 6, 2008
Holy Mackerel!

Which major league team has the HOTTEST FANS?

The 2008 baseball season just kicked off, and everyone has questions. Will the Yankees or

Of course, all of those questions are stupid when compared to this one: Which team has the hottest fans? Using many highly-scientific methods, we measured the attractiveness of each MLB fan base and, with the help of some groundbreaking new technology, determined which fans’ good looks really pushed their club to the next level. So yeah, we basically scanned the Internet for pictures of hot chicks in baseball shirts.

...drawing courtesy Cubby-Blue.com
June 3, 2008
May 30, 2008
May 29, 2008
June Swoon Soon?

As of May 29 the top three teams in the National League Central are only one game off pace with the top three teams in the American League East in total victories (and the Yankees are in last place).
May 23, 2008
May 20, 2008
My Moment of Clarity (Mission Statement)

May 19, 2008
The Cubs have historically - and without exception - never failed to excel in the second half of the first decade of a new century...

May 16, 2008
...and he shaved his red Van Dyke!
Big Mac sure looks different now that he is not taking those "vitamin supplements"...
May 14, 2008
Angel in the outfield?

What will happen? If Edmonds passes the physical, he's in. He's cheap (probably league min.) and he can make catches over his head. I say keep RJ and send Pie back to the Minors. He simply needs more at bats.
Will the 38 year old help? Yes. He will give great defense, a solid 7 hitter (my guess) and he has experience that can be passed along to the youngsters. What is the risk? Pie? Ah....he'll be prime for a sub player, September call up, and next year. Simple fact is that Jimmy is better than Pie and not necessary in the all categories but in the right ones.
Plus I am 37 and pull for anyone my age who I feel can play as I think of me...only not as talented, not as much money, and not near the pulling power (don't mean at bat either)!
Hey Tim,
I was thinking (always a dangerous thing). But last night Lou put in the lefty lineup. I am proposing the all "O" lineup.
Fuko(dome)--RF (Okay, I cheated a little on that one)
1st base coach--Sinatro
3rd base coach--Santo
Go Cubs Go!