April 21, 2008

Ahhhh... It's good to be a Cubs Fan!! (Today, anyway)

I was all ready to gloat about the Cubbies being in first place all the way into the late-middle of April, but I was beaten to the punch! Oh, well... The sentiment remains... Cubs Win! Cubs Win! They're playing the Pirates, who couldn't catch a cold in a meat locker much less a baseball, but hey, a win is a win, right? After all, they saying is, "Beat the teams you're supposed to beat." I would say something about that applying to the Cards against the Giants, but I'm better than that, right? ;-)

I'll personally take first place any day. Another old saying goes, "You can't win the pennant in April, but you can sure lose it." I believe that to be very true. That being said, I would worry if I were an Astros-only fan. I like the Astros and will root for them as long as they're not playing my Cubbies or ahead of them in the standings, so I hope that they pull out of the funk they're in and finish second. I would even like to see them win the Wild Card and lose in the NLCS... But that's wishful thinking at this point.

I'm really hating how well the Cards have pitched up until last weekend. I am thinking they can't keep that up for an entire season. If you are a Cards fan, you have reason to hope: You will get three potential starters back during the season. Since it is such a long season, that may be a huge advantage down the road if you can stay in it that long.

I went to the Cards second game of the season against the Rockies. It was my first time in Busch, and it was FREAKIN' COLD! Geesh! To add insult to injury, I wore my Cubs shirt but couldn't take my coat off long enough for anyone to enjoy it, the Cubs lost that day, and the Cards won. If it hadn't been a day at the 'ole ballpark, it would have really sucked. That being said, any day at the ballpark is a good day in my book.

Let's see, I bashed the Pirates and Astros a bit... How about the Cards and their lousy showing to the Giants at home?? What was up with that? Maybe they are reverting to what everyone thought they would be?? Let's hope. If there's one team I don't want to see win, it's the Cards.

Has anyone seen what Prince Fielder is doing over in Milwaukee? No one has. He's hitting like a 12 year old orphan girl in Cambodia. Makes sense since he's eating like one now. He switched to a vegetarian diet, and more than a few pundits think that this is at least a part of his production drop off. My thinking is, "Send this man another veggie burger!" If he wants to hit .220 with 10 home runs all year I wouldn't complain too much. I don't like Milwaukee's team only because I see them as the main threat to the Cubs. So they can, IMHO, piss off! ;-)

It's Monday, but that never stopped me from ranting, did it??? ;)

One more thing: I didn't mention the Reds because I personally like Dusty Baker. I met him in Milwaukee a couple of years ago and got to spend some time with him. He's a BIG guy!! But really nice, and he didn't seem to mind taking the time out of his busy day to take with ordinary folk. You just don't see that much anymore. So he gets a pass from me.

Until next time...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Apocalypse is near.
Dumpster is 3-0
Pie hits a homer
Lee gets a good start early.
Ramirez hasn't had a pulled groin yet.