May 2, 2008

Cubs Vs. Cardinals Round 1

Well it's the first series between the Cubs and the darkside and I don't know what to expect. It's nice to see they are playing for first place in the league. We are in the fourth inning of the opening game as I attempt to type. It always brings back the memories of my first Cubs/Cards game. Ironically it was in old Busch stadium and it was very cold and I managed to sit at the very top row behind home plate. I would date the game around 1983 and if I can remember correctly the Cards won. But my exercise in futility had already been long standing at that point. Since Hill managed to last only 2/3 of an inning facing six and walking four I would have to say that it's not a good start. Looks like the bullpen is going to be very tired after this series. I am hoping for some drama along the lines of Pujols getting drilled at least once and the Cubs managing to take at least 2.

Kerry Wood is living up to my expectations, which is not a good thing. Lou refused to listen to my advice....again. Couldn't he just throw me a bone and keep Reed in the 1 spot? Also, why not ride the hotness that is Cedeno while you still can? It's shaping up to be a good year but I don't know if my heart and middle regions will be able to withstand another season like last year.

In my pathetic loner way I will continue to LIVE BLOG the rest of the game. If any of you are out there I welcome you to join in on the comments and see what this game is going to shape up to be. If not, I will just continue to fail to amuse myself.


Anonymous said...

Is it bad to consider 2 outs and only 27 pitches a solid outing for Rich Hill?

LadyAndrea said...

You should have the actual liveblog software from Cover It Live on here. That'd make it a lot better. It's super easy to use.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much I will definitely check it out.

Anonymous said...

Wainwright plucks Ramirez in the arm. At least he had enough guts not to throw it behind him. Believe me there will be some retribution. I don't think he really meant to do it though. They need to let him know that he can't have the inside of the plate.

Anonymous said...

On a positive note: It's a good night to get a good look at the WHOLE Cubs bullpen. I just hope that they save Wood for a blown save to be determined later.

Anonymous said...

I will say that it's nice to see Geovany Metro continue to hit the ball well. I think I need a drink.

Anonymous said...

Can someone explain to me why Bush stadium doesn't allow the visitors announcers to use a speed gun? Could it be that LaRussa secretly thinks that it's a laser that will hurt his pitchers?

Anonymous said...

So Soriano has three at bats tonight with runners in scoring position and comes away with nothing. Does a curve ball in the dirt look that appetizing?

Anonymous said...

I just know that in 3 months or so, we will be hearing how Fonzi wasn't ready to come back so soon. Great, it's not like they were doing bad when he was away. He should have gone and spent a week or so with the Chiefs.

Anonymous said...

What the F***. How could you miss that ball. First he misjudged it, then glides aimlessly while spitting. Get out of the game. Fonzi has jumped the shark tonight.

Anonymous said...

Hey Len and Bob, NEWSFLASH.
You don't forget to play outfield in 3 weeks so stop making excuses. Also, I highly doubt the lights had that much impact, sun maybe, lights no.

Anonymous said...

Looks like I just might have to watch "Cubs Forever" to ease my pain.

Anonymous said...

Russ Springer is warming up. There is still hope.

Anonymous said...

I guess I need to take back everything I said earlier, Fonzo has made right everything that he made wrong. Now lets go.

Anonymous said...

Kerry Wood?
Why torture me like this.
Oh well, they went 1-2-3 but 1 was scarey.

Anonymous said...

Believe it or not, I am still awake. Chad Fox sounds fragile and soon the Cubs will have to start putting the in the starting pitchers.

Anonymous said...

Beat by a man named Skip. It doesn't get much worse than that.

Anonymous said...

I have to admit as a Cardinals fan, no matter how good our season has been the last few years, the Cubs have had our number. I'm very excited to see us take the first series 2 out of 3 and leave with sole possession of first place. Oh yeah, and everyone thought we would be the worst team in our division. Even with some of our worst rosters we compete. You watch, this will be another year that LaRusa gets mentioned for manager of the year. It's hard to understand how such a terrible manager keeps winning.

Anonymous said...

OK you losers. I only pull for the Cubs against the Cards, (see previous post) and in traditional fashion you piss me off!