May 5, 2008

Tipping Point?

Could this be the tipping point or just a tease? Not only did the 2008 World Series Champion Astros sweep the Brewers, Hunter Pence is getting big hits again, including a walk off two run shot in the 12th yesterday. I never thought .500 would look so good.

On another note, I'm back in Chicago for a couple of days and of course the baby bears are on a road trip. At least there is not snow on the fricking ground. How do you people live here? Yes, Houston may be hot and humid, but I've never had to get up early and shovel hot and humid from my driveway to go to work. I've also never fell on hot and humid and busted my a**. You know what else? If a gorgeous woman is hot, she takes off her clothes. If she's cold SHE PUTS MORE ON! Also there's a reason cold beer is refreshing and it's not to "warm up the insides", but I digress. The sun's out now even in Chi-town.

In talking to people here, they are still not sold on the baby bears. Have a very wait and see attitude. I guess getting your butt kicked by the A-Poo's will do that to you. I actually got more smack from Bears fans talking about the next football season. For those of you that don't know, the Bears are playing in Houston the last week of the season.

Back to work for me!


Anonymous said...

I love this post. It was very entertaining. I recently moved to the Chicago area from a couple hours south. I love the Bears. What were some of the opinions you were hearing about the Bears from your friends. And why are they the Baby Bears?

Anonymous said...

Most of the Bears fans' questions go no furthur than the quarterback. Will the "sex cannon" ever be able to perform again? Will it be the year of the neckbeard? Is it a bad sign when your RB gets beaten up by the cops?

Red nation...just a game at Wrigley will convert you to blue nation, or pinstripe nation. Don't be afraid.

Anonymous said...

I've been there with my annoying Cub friends. It is a great park and I had a lot of fun. It was Cubs vs. Cards and went back in forth. Corey Paterson hit a walk off homerun in the bottom of the ninth. My friend missed it because we left in the top of the ninth. I hate to mean, but the Cubs are losers. They always blow it. Cardinals make the playoffs regularly and win a championship every so often. I love my team although I hear Cub talk all day long on the radio. I know more about Sox and Cubs than Cards right now. But I do still keep up with the Cards and check all the stats each night.